Terrassa / 2022
With Baku Disseny i Creativitat
This project is not only a testimony of transparency and civic commitment, but also a tribute to the tireless work of the Sindica de Greuges, Isabel Marqués. In the pages of this book-memory, all the information and data that have been subject to scrutiny and defense are compiled.
The Sindica de Greuges is the voice of the citizens, a defender of the rights and concerns of the inhabitants of Terrassa. Throughout his service, he has compiled a treasure trove of information, a chronicle of the concerns and challenges facing the community.
In this project, I have designed and laid out this memory book, a tangible tribute to the work of the Sindica de Greuges. Each page has been carefully crafted to present information in a clear and accessible manner, highlighting the importance of each case and highlighting the positive impact the Sindica has had on the community.